Orientation Messages

I wish to welcome all first-year students to Laikipia University. This marks the beginning of your academic journey at the University. Congratulations on your well-deserved success. We are excited to usher you into the Laikipia University fraternity and we are very proud of you. It is our prayer that four years from today, you would exit the University as a successful and an all rounded person. We appreciate you and as the Student Affairs Department, we believe that we shall contribute significantly in making you a better person than you are today. As you come in to become part of the larger Laikipia University family, we encourage you to strive to be the best you can be.

The University provides the following services to students through the Student Affairs Department:

  1. Bursaries and Work-Study Programme

The University, from time to time, offers the Laikipia University Bursary and Work-Study Programme to needy students. This is administered through a competitive process and needy students are encouraged to apply when advertised.

  1. Leave of Absence

The University shall upon production of relevant evidence grant leave of absence (before the commencement of the leave) from the University on the following grounds only:

  1. Sick leave/maternity leave from the Medical Officer.
  2. Compassionate leave from the Dean of Students.
  3. Academic leave from Registrar (Academic Affairs).

In all cases of absence from classes on account of illness and maternity issues, a medical report to that effect shall be submitted by the University Medical Officer to the Office of the Dean of Students. Where a private practitioner has treated a student, the medical report shall be submitted to the University Medical Officer for verification and record.

Leave application forms are available at the Dean of Students Office and must be filled by the applicant at least one (1) day before leave begins. The University shall not entertain any claims where a student leaves without prior official permission. All documents must be availed before any approval is given. In case of a breach, the rules of abscondment shall apply.

  1. Counseling Services

The Counseling Office provides services aimed at improving the well-being of students. Students with individual issues or concerns are advised to seek these services. All cases shall be handled with the utmost confidentiality. The Department also offers Peer Counseling Services and also offers training from time to students willing to mentor others through peer to peer counseling.

  1. Sports and Recreation

The University encourages students to participate in as many sporting and recreational activities as they are able to. Observance of such rules as may be enacted by the Games Section must be observed. The Sports in the University include and are not limited to; Football, Netball, Basketball, Rugby, Karate, Tae-kwon-do, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Badminton, athletics, and other games and sporting activities, available for both male and female students. Students are encouraged to identify and join one or more of these sports.

  1. Clubs and Societies

All activities of clubs and societies shall be approved by the office of the Dean of Students. Clubs and societies may be formed for the advancement of the functions and objectives of the University.

Clubs and Societies shall be self-supporting in all financial matters and must have a patron who is a full-time member of staff of the University. No Club or society shall operate in the University unless it has a constitution and is registered by the University through the Dean of Students’ Office. Students are encouraged to join clubs and associations and participate in their activities.

  1. Chaplaincy

The Department also offers Spiritual Nourishment through the office of the University Chaplain. The office is in charge of all spiritual matters within the University. The University recognizes four major Associations namely; the Christian Union, Catholic Action, Seventh Day Adventists and the Muslims. All the spiritual concerns must be channeled through the department with approval from the Chaplain.

You are expected to observe the rules and regulations provided for in the Students Handbook. This shall help you to avoid being on the wrong side of the law.

We wish you all the best and may God Bless You.

The Directorate of Planning and Performance Management is a department of the University established by the Laikipia University Statutes, 2020 Annexure 1(c) 1. The Directorate among other functions oversees issues of National Cohesion and National Values, and Disability Mainstreaming in the University.

National Cohesion and National Values: it is expected Laikipia University being a national and public University is supposed to operate and adhere o the tenets of National Cohesion and National Values. The student body is no exception to this and hence students shall be expected to uphold and socialize in a manner that promotes cohesion. Discrimination and segregation of any nature based on ethnicity, gender, race, color among others is highly discouraged. The University has a committee on National Values and National Cohesion on which a member of the student's leadership sits to voice on students’ affairs. The Directorate is guided by the Laikipia University Policy on National Cohesion and National Values, Laikipia University Statutes, and the Constitution of Kenya Article 10 - that Outlines the National Values and Principles of Governance.

Disability Mainstreaming: The Directorate is mandated to coordinate on matters that are to ensure a comfortable stay and study of any student living with disability. The University has a Disability Mainstreaming Committee whose Chair Dr. Florence Opondo. The Committee encourages the student’s fraternity to register any issues related to disabilities to the Directorate of Planning and Performance Management or the Chair for the deserved attention. The Directorate and Committee may assist students with sensitizations and registration of any student who is challenged in any way. The Directorate is guided by the Laikipia University Policy on Disability Mainstreaming, Laikipia University Statutes, and the Persons with Disabilities Act 14 of 2003.

Welcome to Laikipia and wish you well in your academic journey.

Prof. Moses K. Rotich


On behalf of the Directorate of Examinations and Timetabling of Laikipia University, I take this opportunity to join the others in congratulating the freshmen for finally making it to the University. I appreciate that you are here after many years of overcoming many types of examinations. This is in itself proof of your exceptional academic pedigree and proves your capability to handle the academic challenges ahead of you during the years you will be at this University.

As the name suggests, the directorate of Examinations and Timetabling is tasked with some specific responsibilities in the examination processes of the University. A snapshot of our operation is as follows. We first receive the draft examinations from the academic departments. Our job is to typeset these Examinations and print the necessary number of copies needed for the End of Semester (or any other) examinations.

It is also our duty to allocate lecture halls, develop the University’s Teaching and Examination timetables and to avail them in the University’s website and in the main noticeboards. We urge you to take advantage of modern technologies and make it a habit to be consulting the timetable on the University website rather than relying on misleading rumors. Failure to do this has often caused students to miss lectures and other critical appointments or even examinations.

For reasons of examination security, the Directorate of Examinations and timetabling is officially out of bounds and does not deal directly with students. In case of a grievance (which in most cases will concern collisions in the timetable or lack of lecture room) the correct procedure for students is to inform the COD or the Examinations Officer in your department who will in turn relay the same information to our office for action. This may be done through your Class Rep. The Directorate will always prioritize your academic comfort and best interests.

Equally important for you to note is that the Directorate of Examinations does not handle or process students’ marks. We do not set or originate examinations and we do not store the students’ booklets after examinations are done. This is the responsibility of the Departments and Schools of the University.

The rules and regulations which govern the conduct of University Examinations are outlined in your student’s handbook.  At Laikipia University the crime of cheating examinations is treated like high treason attracting the academic ‘capital punishment’- expulsion.

Examination malpractices may include carrying unauthorized material into the examinations room, copying from other candidates, writing reference notes in any part of your anatomy, giving false information with regard to service cards or anything related.

It is a requirement that students attend all lectures as expected, as quoted below from the Examination Policy:

21.1.5  A student MUST attend 75% of all the scheduled classes for the semester for him/her to be eligible to sit for the end of semester examination.


19.1.2   A student may be discontinued if he/she fails to register for and/ or attend scheduled classes for two (2) weeks or longer without the consent of Senate.


Section 18 of your Student Handbook captures some additional facts which should inspire you to put your best efforts into your studies.

18.5.1  A student who fails 50% of the courses in a repeat year shall be discontinued on academic grounds.

18.5.2  A student who fails less than 50% of his/her course/s at the end of an academic year will sit for a supplementary examination for the course/s failed before proceeding to the next year of study.

  • A candidate shall not be allowed to proceed to the next level of study unless he/she scores an average of 40% in all Undergraduate courses registered for in an academic year of study and 50% in all Post Graduate Courses.


I sincerely wish you success, happiness and good health, during your stay in Laikipia University.

On behalf of the entire Directorate, we take this opportunity to welcome you to Laikipia University (LU). Research forms a crucial part of the core missions of any University, including LU and as such, it forms the basis of innovation and creativity. The Directorate is committed to the pursuit of quality and excellence in research performance.

Overview of Research, Innovation, and Consultancy Activities

  1. Research promotion, dissemination and publications
  2. Collaboration and partnership
  3. Community outreach
  4. Student mentorship
  5. Innovations and commercialization
  6. Research resources mobilization and funding
  7. Consultancy
  8. On-going programmes:
  1. Research support through competitive calls for research proposal
  2. Outreach collaboration and partnerships
  • Student mentorship for research
  1. University publications and newsletters


To build the reputation of LU as a destination of choice for leading research talents by providing an environment for creativity and discovery.


  1. To facilitate the conduct of relevant and contemporary research for the promotion of scholarship and society development.
  2. To provide an environment in which researchers (staff and students) can conduct relevant research.
  3. To disseminate research findings for societal consumption.
  4. Strengthen structures that promote innovations, Exhibition and open day
  5. To enhance community outreach and close collaboration with partners
  6. To develop mechanisms for sustainable funding for supporting LU research Specific objectives


LU is committed to becoming a reputable research-intensive destination that drives creativity and discovery with its community of research.

What is research?

  1. Research is an art aided by skills of
    1. inquiry,
    2. experimental design,
    3. data collection,
    4. Measurement
    5. analysis,
    6. interpretation,
  2. It is a skill, that you can learn and develop,
  3. It is creativity or invention

Why do research?

  1. Human society and the earth has been transformed by-products of research and these changes will continue into the future
  2. Without reliable, published research, individuals are held captive to what they alone see or hear and are locked into the "opinions of the moment “
  • Knowledge is power. "By knowing when we trust the research of others, we free ourselves from those who seek to control our lives by controlling our beliefs"

Publication as an output of Research
This is the database that holds all articles, theses, dissertations, reports, proceedings, and books produced and authored by the LU community and other scholars. They may be full text but if not available, the database will hold a description of the summary.

From the Gender Centre, I want to take this opportunity to welcome the fresh gentlemen and ladies to Laikipia University and more so, to the Gender Centre. We are all about gender equality and empowerment of both our female and male students and members of staff. The Centre falls under the Academic Division, under the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Academics, Research and Student Affairs.

What do we do?

In addition to our core mandate of mainstreaming gender in the University with the vision of achieving a gender-friendly and inclusive working and studying environment, we do engage with the students on non-academic issues that affect their academic wellbeing. We are committed to ensuring our students enjoy equal opportunities, and their worth is equally recognized and valued through actively condemned and taking action against any form of gender discrimination based on sexual orientation, ethnicity or social background, age, race, religion or other belief and functional disability; gender-based violence; and sexual harassment.

In order to achieve this, the Centre has an array of initiatives that help in attaining its mandate;

  1. Mentorship Programmes

We at the Gender Centre understand the importance of mentorship, and we are committed to fostering the development of personal relationships among students, members of staff and the Community at large through reinforcement of constructive role modelling.

As such, we have launched two mentorship groups dubbed “Adopt a Girl Initiative” for the female students and the “Forgotten Gender Initiative” for the male students. A volunteer member of staff has an allocation of between 10 and 15 students for tracking purposes of the academic, social and holistic progress of the individual student in their mentorship group. The staff does guide the students and acts as a surrogate parent to them. These mentorship initiatives aim to ensure that we have 100% completion of our students at Laikipia University because we can trace them through their surrogate parents.

  1. Coffee Hours Sessions

As a way of getting in touch with our students, the Gender Centre holds coffee hour sessions every Wednesday at 4.00 pm at the Gender Centre offices. These are interactive sessions, where students in conjunction with different facilitators as well as members of staff from the gender department gather to hold face to face discussion on some of the challenges that they might be facing and how to deal with them.

Moreover, the Gender Centre takes this opportunity to sit and listen to our most crucial clientele and advice them accordingly, all in a bid to equip them with necessary life skills on campus. The catch to this meeting is that participants get to share a cup of coffee and biscuits with colleagues as they discuss issues. In this ‘new normal’, we hope to meet at our “Coffee Webinars” every Wednesday” from 4 pm. From our sessions, students organize various fun activities such as outreach programmes to the Community, retreats and sporting. All these activities open up their perspective of life, as well as helping the club members to bond.

  1. Young Student Mothers and Fathers Support Group

The best practice is to avoid having babies while studying since it will enable one to have 100% concentration on studies, and get good grades as required. However, few female students get pregnant during the programme hence live with their babies around. Since our guiding pillar is equality and non-discrimination, the Centre launched a support group for the young student mothers and fathers as an avenue to offer emotional and moral support to them. The purpose of the Young Mothers and Fathers support group is to help them overcome the stigma and make them feel part and parcel of the student fraternity despite them becoming parents while still on campus.

  1. HYMA Day Care and Nursing Unit

Though the Centre acknowledges the fact that it is not in order for our students to have children in the course of their programme, the Centre does appreciate that the problem is here with us and a solution has to be provided, if we must churn out fully baked graduates. As such, the Centre launched a fully equipped Day Care Centre and Nursing Unit on campus, where the student mothers can safely leave their babies as they attend to their lectures.

The Gender Centre partners with the student leadership, class representatives and other like-minded University clubs to fish out gender-related concerns. Consequently, we also work hand in hand with the other arms of the University that deal with student welfare under the leadership of the DVCARSA. For those who seek anonymity in their contribution, we do have a ‘speaker box’ mounted outside the Gender Centre offices where one can post their concerns. Geographically, on the Eastern side of the University between the Media Studio and the International Linkages office stands the Gender Centre. We have both female and male members of staff to attend to both genders if need be. Be our regular visitor, for enhancement of one’s stay at Laikipia University. Karibuni Sana.

You are now a student at Laikipia University. You must be wondering what Graduate School is and what it entails. I will answer these questions shortly and I hope that this will make some sense to even allow you to aspire to be a postgraduate student at Laikipia University when you complete your bachelor’s programme within four years.

What do we mean by Graduate Studies?

A Graduate School (sometimes shortened as Grad School) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (i.e. master’s and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree with a high grade point average.

What is the Purpose of Graduate School or Graduate Education?

Undergraduate education gives students a broad, general education. Graduate education provides students with more advanced learning in a specialized discipline or sub-discipline. Graduate school gives an in-depth understanding such that the student becomes something of an expert in the topic of study. A good graduate program also teaches advanced skills in such areas as problem-solving, mathematics, writing, oral presentation, and technology, each as applied to the particular field of study.

Why is a Graduate Degree Important?

Earning a master’s degree helps you gain specialized knowledge to advance in your field. As the workforce evolves, a graduate degree shows you are dedicated to enhancing your industry expertise and credibility. You can focus on a particular field of study, which helps you become more competitive in your field.

In some disciplines, having a graduate degree is a necessity for getting a ‘career’ job. Here are more reasons why people attend graduate school all over the world:

  • Your career prospects will grow
  • You can make a career change
  • Personal growth
  • Expand Your Network (thus having a larger professional network)
  • Additional Specialized Skills and New Skill Development: Often the reasons for doing a master's degree are focused around obtaining specialized skills. A master's degree will provide you with very specialized transferable skills within a field that make you much more attractive and specialized for top job opportunities in organizations and industries. Such skills include:
  • Analytical Skills: These consist of gathering research, analyzing data, deciphering new information, and finding unique approaches to solving complex problems
  • Interpersonal Skills: This includes leadership skills, working with people of different personalities and backgrounds, accepting constructive criticism, building consensus within teams, actively listening, and working independently
  • Organizational Skills: Organizational skills include project management, event planning, time management, delegating assignments, and multi-tasking
  • Communication Skills: Examples include motivating teammates, being a concise writer, empathizing with others, public speaking, and non-verbal communication, such as body language, eye contact, and hand gestures

These transferable skills can help you become a versatile employee and make you more valuable to hiring managers and recruiters.

Additional education is almost always beneficial to the individual. The more you know the more you can do. The more you learn the better prepared you are at life and in turn your career. In addition, a bachelor's degree is becoming the norm and no longer differentiates you from others in the resume pool and job market. This reason alone is often enough but there are least five reasons to pursue graduate studies that you should consider.

When should I go to Graduate School?

Graduate school is appropriate at any age and stage of life. Some students go to Graduate School directly after finishing their undergraduate education. However, many others undertake graduate studies after having been out of school for some period of time. You should go to Graduate School when you are ready to get the most out of the experience. The purpose of graduate schooling is to learn material that you expect to use professionally or want to know for personal satisfaction.


Think of education as a ladder. We start in primary school, progress through to high school and complete a bachelor’s degree. At this point, you have options: pursue a career; attend graduate school; embark on an interest, etc. Options may be daunting and some students we have met at advising appointments tell us that they are considering Graduate School for a number of different reasons: because it is their dream; everyone in their family has a graduate degree; a trusted mentor told them it would be a wise choice; or they can more easily find a job with a graduate degree.

The graduate learning experience is distinct from an undergraduate education but usually builds on the foundations learned at the bachelor’s level. If, after years of formal education, you are curious to learn more and deeply about a topic, have solid research questions in mind, and are excited to conduct research and contribute to knowledge in a specific field, Graduate School may be a fitting niche for you.

Welcome to Laikipia University. Put your focus on your UNDERGRADUATE STUDY and have one resolve that you will complete it with GOOD GRADES. Once this is done within four (4) years, make a consideration for joining our Graduate School Fraternity.

God Bless You.

The University is not obliged to provide accommodation to any student, this may at the university’s own discretion decide to accommodate a student on application subject to availability of bed space in the Halls of residence. Students who are so provided with accommodation in the university halls of residence shall generally be expected to conduct themselves with responsibility and maturity;

Conduct in the Halls of Residence

The students shall:

  1. Adhere to the laid-down guidelines for obtaining such accommodation and pay all charges as maybe stipulated from time to time by the university. Such charges shall include refundable room deposit.
  2. Share rooms as may be stipulated as well as other facilities of common use.
  • Host visitors in their rooms’ only between10a.m.and10p.m.
  1. Not move furniture or equipment from or into the halls of residence, or any other university premises, except with the written permission of the halls authority.
  2. Not destroy damage or vandalize any University property.
  3. Immediately report any loss, missing items, or breakages or blown sockets and bulbs in the rooms to the house-keeper or custodian of the relevant hall.
  • Surrender all room keys and any other university property to the custodian/housekeeper at the end of every semester or academic period, or as may otherwise be required by the University.
  • Ensure that the inside rooms are clean, tidy and devoid of defacement at all times.
  1. Use videotapes, radios or any other audio-visual instrument in the halls of residence only between 6a.m and 11 p.m., provided that all sound emanating from them does not cause disturbance, inconvenience or nuisance to others.
  2. Not cook in the rooms of residence and under no circumstances should they interfere or tamper with electrical installations and fittings in University buildings.
  3. Only use such electricity as is provided and authorized and not cause or expose any person or property to risk by connecting extraneous electrical gadgets.

Provision of Accommodation Equipment

The Halls of residence are separated for male only and female only

Upon payment of the requisite accommodation fee the students shall be provided with the following; shared Room

  1. Individual Room key.
  2. Individual mattress
  • Shared waste paper basket
  1. Shared curtain
  2. Share hand broom

Note: Students should bring their own warm beddings and toiletries..

Washroom facilities

The Bathrooms and toilets are share by all the students in a particular Hall. Students are expected to use the facility properly to enable other students use the same. There are staff members deployed to clean the washrooms and common corridors.

All toilets are supplied with Sanitary Bins which are used for the disposal of used sanitary towels. Students are requested to use the appropriately.

All bathrooms have Hot Water.  Other water points for washing are outside the halls of residence.

External Hostels

The University has encouraged the community to build standard hostels near and around the University. The students are encouraged to liaise with the Halls Officer for accredited hostels. One is regarded as a student even while living outside the University. They are therefore expected to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the respective Hostels. However, one is expected to sign a contract with the hostel. The Dean of Students’ Office shall not handle any case concerning external hostels without the said contract. Students are expected to pay their rent on time to avoid unnecessary conflicts. They are also encouraged to live with respect and dignity with the surrounding community.

Florence Odhiambo

Snr Halls Officer

Welcome to Lakipia University Library

As an Academic Library we are a key partner in teaching, learning, research and innovation at Laikipia University. The library provides diverse and user-focused services and collections in a welcoming, concerted, and innovative learning environment. The University Library would like to support you in your studies and in making good use of your knowledge; we will help you to locate, select and acquire the information you need from what may seem like a rather overwhelming mountain of material. Exploiting available sources of information has long been a science in its own right and has spawned a worldwide economic sector offering services from which you will be able to take maximum advantage.

Below, is a brief introduction to the department’s sections

Circulation section

This is the library’s reception room as well as its book distribution and information center. The circulation section, being responsible for loan services, usually maintains a record of all loans, keeps a file of registered borrowers, provides machinery for the recall of overdue items and for reserving titles in demand, supervises the shelving of material in the stacks, and arranges extension, interlibrary, and public relations services. Circulation section also offers user education, introducing them to both print and non-print resources. For instance our students taking education can use EBSCO, while Language and Communications Students can use SAGE, among others.

Circulation services also include the Reference section. The section’s mandate includes: Assistance or instruction with using the library, including locating materials, using the catalog, using computers to access information, and using basic reference sources. Staff in the section provide brief, factual answers to questions, such as statistics, subject areas, directions e.t.c. that can be quickly located. It houses the following: dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, etc. which are research tools that can help users with assignments. These sources are designed to be consulted rather than read through. Users will find them arranged alphabetically, topically, or chronologically.

Library opening hours : 9a.m to 9.45p.m (Monday to Friday)

9a.m to 5p.m  (Saturdays)

The library remains closed on Sundays and public holidays

Feel free to contact the library, in case of further enquiry.

Technical section

Librarian in charge: Ms. Caren Agom Senior Library Assistant

Technical section is a section responsible for receiving, processing, labelling and availing all library information materials to other sections of the library.

The section is also charged with processing and maintaining the library collections and efficiency of the open public access catalogue (OPAC) . Library catalogue ( OPAC)

Is the Library's search tool used to locate books, subscribed e-books and print journals.

It is accessed via computer or other electronic devices from any geographical location.

Steps used to access (OPAC).

Step 1: Access the library Link online and then click into the OPAC. It will require an account that will ask for login and password information.

Step 2: Search the catalogue using keywords relevant to your desired item i.e title, author, subject.

Step 3: Click on your desired item on the search results to see its detailed information such as its call number or Location in the library.

Step 4: The detailed information will display the floor where your item is located on; then use the call number to locate the book on the library's bookshelf (look for the labels on the bookshelf relevant to your call number).

Step 5: If all the copies of the book are on loan and you still wish to borrow it please use the Reservation Function in the library catalogue system.


Electronic resources section

Librarian in charge : Kevin Osala

Over the past few years there has been so many inventions and changes in technology, this has affected how information is stored, accessed and disseminated.

Laikipia University Library has therefore embraced this technology in providing information access and dissemination through technology as this facilitates access to large stacks of library information materials from any place anytime, to ease and aid in your research, education, scholarship and training while in the university.

Through the website (www.laikipiauniversity.ac.ke) under the library icon you will find links to so many online information databases e.g. EBSCO which provides resources related to those undertaking Education, Media and Communication, and so many more.

Thank you.

Africana Section

Librarian in charge : Isaac Okoth

As the name implies, this section holds information Africans about Africa.

It also holds special information materials which are unique due to the nature of their binding, information, illustration, information media, size of the information materials, etc.

In this section, there are magazines and monographs, thesis and other educational research works.

Archives section

Librarian in charge: Edna Oburu (Senior Library Assistant)

The archives section s collect and processes information that is historical in nature. The archival information is mainly intended for research purposes and it is made easily accessible to library users through indexing and indexed cards filed in a public catalogue that is conveniently accessible to all.  The main sources of archival information in the LU library are Newspapers and various magazines. We also ensure library users access the daily newspapers. Information materials are accessed by users for 1 hour at a time and can only be used within the library.

For more Information, kindly contact: library@laikipia.ac.ke

The Catering Department is a service department which support other service offered by the various department within the university. The department is charged with the responsibility of providing hygienic, nutritive, well balanced and delicious meal for all university stakeholders. It is anticipated that in order to live, we need to eat and therefore this department ensures that balanced meals are served. It is worth nothing, that human being needs practically every day a nutritional contribution of carbohydrates, protein, fat vitamin and minerals. The difference foods help one to preserve physical and mental health, ensuring the correct performance of all the body system thus enabling one to live in optimum health. Hence diseases like diabetes, cancer  high blood pressure  and Covid- 19 can easily be prevented.

In addition, the foods eaten are the building blocks for the brains’ cells. Just like other organs in the body, the brain needs to renew its cells for it to function properly. A balanced diet will ensure you have a healthy brain that will effectively serve you  for many years. This is a major contribution factor to academic excellence and build immunity in this wake  of Covid-19.

Sections in Catering Department

  • Administration: Catering Manager, Cateresses office
  • Production section :(Main & Millennium kitchens )
  • Restaurants: University and Millennium Restaurant
  • Stores, Cashiering

Operations and Prices

We provide Pay As You Eat (PAYE) system to all university stakeholders. The department is manned by professional members of staff who are medically fit including Covid-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, it is our commitment to provide customer satisfaction. Therefore, we provide a variety of meals suitable to our customers; in case of problem or complaints, discussion on special meal plan and dietary requirements, students are urged to consult with the cateress in charge of the units and also to record the same in the complaints book always available in the restaurants.

Prices are quite affordable they range from ;Students’ Restaurant Kshs.5.00 -200.00 and Millennium Restaurant Kshs.10.00 -400.00

Some of the delicacies include traditional food –manage, omena, nduma, mursik, igitheri etc .in recognition of religious observation, which may require student to eat on schedule hours eg during the holy month of Ramathan, Easter season etc. The units provide meals convenient to such groups. In addition, hired equipment and outside catering service are offered and special occasion cakes, for instance birthday cakes are produced with prior arrangements.

Tips for healthy eating

  • Eat balanced foods.
  • Consume traditional food as opposed to junk food
  • Drink eight (8)glasses of water on a daily basis, and chew food properly(this aids digestion)
  • Don’t add salt on served food


Observe hygiene regulations especially guidelines for Covid-19 given by the Ministry of Health

  1. Wearing of masks.
  2. Social distancing (Sit 1.5m apart)
  3. Regular washing of hands thoroughly with soap and water

Operating    Hours

Students’ Restaurant (Operational only when students are on session: open including weekends and public holidays)

                                    Breakfast: 7..00am – 9.00p.m

Lunch:      12.00 noon- 2.00pm

Dinner:       6.00p.m      -8.00p.m

Snack Bar                  7.00 a.m -8.00 p.m

Millennium Restaurant :8.00 a.m- 5.00 (open only on weekdays)

Thank You

Yours Faithfully,

Winfrida MA OJwang’(Mrs.)

Catering Manager.

The office of the Registrar is delighted that you honored our invitation to join Laikipia University. The office of the Registrar is the technical arm of the academic division. The Registrar, who is the head of the department works under the direction of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research).

The office is extremely vital to all students in their pursuit of academic excellence. We take pride in being part of your academic reference.

Roles of Registrar Academic Affairs

  1. Responsible for the supervision and management of all administrative and operational functions of the office of the Registrar such as:


  • Advertising for academic programs. Prior to the beginning of every semester, we update our programme offerings to potential applicants. Government sponsored students are admitted through Kenya Univerasities and Collegess Placement Service (KUCCPS).
  • Preparing and issuing letters of offer for government and self-sponsored students. Your letter of offer is a very important document. You should always keep a copy of your letter for future references. If lost, a copy can be issued at a fee.
  • Registering fresh and continuing students. You will be required to activate your status at the beginning of every semester unless you are planning not to attend that session. If you are not planning to attend a semester, you are required to apply for a deferment which must be approved by the Registrar.
  • Maintaining students’ nominal roll. This involves keeping a record of all students who have activated their status every semester. You will not be allowed to attend lecturers, sit for Continuous Assessment Tests and final exam unless you have paid requisite fees and activated your status
  • Issuing University Identity cards to students. Upon successful registration, every student is issued with a student ID/Smart card. This card is required at every point of service. The card is the property of the University and it is surrendered at the time of clearing from the University upon completion of your studies. A lost card is replaced at a cost.
  • Ensuring that only those students who have cleared their fee are able to attend classes, sit for Continuous Assessment Tests and Final Exams.
  • Writing recommendation letters to students upon request. Recommendation letters are written based on your records as maintained in the Registrar’s office.
  • Dealing with students’ deferment and inter-university transfer cases. All requests for deferment and inter-university movement are applied through RAA’s office.


  • Acting as an institution memory (records keeper) for students and courses on behalf of the University. In doing this, provides important services to the student and academic communities. This underpins a student's academic experience from application through to graduation, including enrolment, fee paying, assessment, complaint, discipline, graduation, and final transcript production.
  • Organizing and administering the records, registration and graduation functions, including final transcripts evaluations. Academic awards
  • Collecting, recording, maintaining and reporting of student records to the Ministry, regulators and other stakeholders.
  • Overseeing the complete graduation process including all elements of the rehearsal and ceremony.
  • Issuing Degree/Diploma certificates to graduated students.
  • Authenticating documents and records
  • Ensuring the integrity, accuracy and security of academic records of current and former students; and
  • Developing accurate and secure students’ data files and setting policy and procedures for their responsible use.

Ladies and Gentlemen it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the School of Science and Applied Technology of Laikipia University (LU), as first year students for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Congratulations, you are all here by right, having proved this by excelling in your secondary school exams. All of you will be distributed among the five departments within the School of Science, namely Computer Science and informatics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biological and Biomedical  Sciences and Earth Sciences.

The most critical part of your stay for the next four years at LU is your studies. This is what will determine your success. But unlike in secondary school, where teachers supervised your school work, your lecturers and professors will never follow you but will expect output at the end of the semester. Ensure you attend all classes, and do all assignments, practicals and cats on time. Remember that your first year results are just as important as the fourth year ones as they will determine whether you score a first class honours degree or not. You therefore need to have discipline as you set out a programme of study, through continuous reference to class notes, library resources and online sources of knowledge.

After this orientation programme you will all move to your respective departments according to your selected disciplines of study where you shall interact more closely with your chair of department (COD) and course lecturers and professors. Get to know them as these will act as your family members at LU during your stay here. Your lecturers are always available for academic advice and consultation outside class hours, please make use of them to clarify things that you may not understand. At the beginning of this semester, there will be a window when you are allowed to change your course or even your school of choice. More details about this may be obtained from the respective CODs and course lecturers.

As I welcome you, be assured that we shall equip you with the best training and exposure so that you can succeed in your career and confidently face the challenges of life.

It is my hope that at the end of your four years at Laikipia University, you will have grown into a mature and responsible citizen who will be able to contribute positively to the development agenda of our beloved country, Kenya.

Finally, I wish you a happy stay at LU, success in all that you do and look forward to seeing you as you go about your day to day activities in the School of Science and Applied Technology

Thank you All and God Bless You.


Professor Charles M Nguta

Dean School of Science and Applied Technology

Laikipia University


It gives me great pleasure to welcome all the First Years to Laikipia University, School of Business and Economics (SOBE). I take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for an excellent KCSE performance. As you join this school, I believe we shall work together to empower you with the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for the Kenyan job market and beyond. Our School and Dean’s offices are located on the first floor of Vision 2030 building. The Vision 2030 building is located next to the University Restaurant, opposite the University games fields and a few meters from HDS building.  In this office you will find members of staff who are ready to assist you as you settle in. SOBE has an open door policy, feel free to visit us for any enquiries or assistance at any time as you pursue your studies. Currently, SOBE has two departments as follows;

  1. Department of Commerce

Chair of Department (CoD): Dr. Thomas Gakobo, PhD

Examination Officer (EO): Mr. Fred Buluma

Location: First Floor, HDS building, opposite Dean HDS office

Programmes offered;

  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
  2. Master of Business Administration
  3. Bachelor of Commerce
  4. Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
  5. Diploma in Business Management
  6. Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management
  7. Certificate in Business Management
  8. Certificate in Procurement and Logistics Management
  9. Department of Economics

Chair of Department (CoD): Dr. Rebecca Jerop, PhD

Examination Officer (EO): Mr. Tom Wafula

Location: First Floor, Nelson Mandela building

 Programmes offered;

  1. Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics
  2. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics
  3. Bachelor of Arts in Economics and History
  4. Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology

The Chair of Department coordinates and runs the affairs of the department on a day to day basis. Examination Officers are in charge of all departmental exam issues. Programme Academic Leaders assist in coordination and monitoring of programmes. The departments have a pool of experts and qualified academic staff to provide teaching, advising and mentorship services to our students. We serve you in line with our Vision “A University for valued transformation of the Society” and Mission “To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and consultancy”. We are guided by ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Standard and ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 Information Security Standard to ensure we offer you quality services and ensure Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information, respectively.

Finally, on behalf of the school, I wish you success in your studies as you join Laikipia University in general and the School of Business and Economics in particular. For more information, do not hesitate to visit the School and/or our departments in the Laikipia University Website (https://www.laikipia.ac.ke).


Dr. Peter Mwaura, PhD.


I take this opportunity on behalf of the staff of the School of Education and on my own behalf to welcome the first years for the year 2020.  The fresher’s deserve great commendation for their hard work and determination which has made it possible for them to join the School.  The School is a centre of excellence for courses in Education and in a special way, I would say that you will find it to be a home away from your home.  The School is proud to have produced the best teacher of the year award for the years 2016 and 2019 in Kenya.

The School was founded in 1992 as the first Faculty of Laikipia University.  It has two Departments; Department of Curriculum and Education Management, and Department of Psychology, Counselling and Education Foundations.

It is good to note that all students in the School are domiciled in the Department of Curriculum and Education Management where they will be registered.  The Department of Psychology, Counselling and Education Foundations gives support in the provision of education and training.

The School offers various courses to students in the BEd program, and the courses offered comprises of professional courses in education which is compulsory for all education students.  Each student is also supposed to take University CORE courses (i.e., Communication Skills – COMS111, Introduction to Computer applications – COMP111, and Human Rights – HURI111).  Further, BEd students have to take two teaching subjects as offered in the Kenya Secondary School System.  The subjects are housed in the service departments.  This includes departments in the School of Humanities and Developmental Studies, the School of Science and Applied Technology and the School of Business and Economics.  Students are also expected to take twelve (12) weeks of Teaching Practice (TP) at the end of their third year of study.

At the moment, the School has four (4) Bachelor of Education programmes, a Diploma in Education (Arts) programme and several Post Graduate degree programmes.

The Bachelor of Education programmes are: -

  • bachelor of Education (Arts)
  • Bachelor of Education (Science)
  • Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education and Extension – AGED)
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development Education – ECDE)

The duration of each BEd programme is four (4) academic years, where each year consists of two (2) Semesters and a semester is fifteen (15) weeks.

The Post graduate degree programmes are;

  • Master of education in Educational Management
  • Master of Education in Educational Psychology
  • Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling
  • Post graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
  • PhD programmes in all areas mentioned above.

the post graduate courses are meant to provide further education and training to those aspiring to be Senior educators.


  1. Course requirements

Specific requirements for the Bachelor of Education (BEd) programmes are:

  • Students must have scored a C+ (plus) and above in KCSE, a C+(plus) and above in

the selected two teaching subjects,  and a minimum of C(plain) in English.

(b)  A student is supposed to take courses distributed as follows:

(i)    University core courses

(ii)   Professional courses in Education

(iii)  Two teaching subject areas

(c)  For Bachelor of Education (Arts), a student is supposed to select two teaching

subjects from the following areas:

  • History
  • Religious Studies
  • Geography
  • Kiswahili
  • Mathematics
  • Business Studies
  • English
  • Literature

Note:  English can only be combined with Literature only.

(d) for Bachelor of Education (Science), a student is supposed to select two teaching

subjects from the following areas:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Botany/Zoology

(e) For bachelor of Science (AGED), a student is supposed to take two

teaching subjects, namely:

  • Agriculture
  • Biology

(f) For Bachelor of Education (ECDE), a student is supposed to be a holder of a KCSE

mean grade C+ (plus) or a Diploma in Early Childhood Development Education from

a recognized institution.

  1. Course attendance/Assessment

All students are expected to attend classes and sign class attendance forms which are submitted to the concerned department (unless when the classes are offered online).  If the classes are online, you will be directed what to do by individual lecturers.  In addition, students are expected to sit for Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) in each unit which account for thirty percent (30%) and the exam which is done at the end of the semester and it accounts for seventy percent (70%) of the total unit score.

The pass mark is forty percent (40%).

  1. Grading system

The grading system for students’ progress is as indicate below:

70% and above     :A

60-69                     :B

50-59                     :C

40-49                     😀

39% and below     :F

Any student who fails in a given course is supposed to do a supplementary exam usually offered at the end of the academic year.  A student who fails a supplementary exam will be required to RETAKE the course.

Note that no student is allowed to proceed to the next academic year with a failed course.

  1. Classification of Degrees

The classification is based on a cumulative average for the four (4) academic years and is as shown below:

70% and above     :First Class Honours

60-69%                  :Second Class (Upper Division)

50-59%                  :Second Class (Lower Division)

40-49%                  :Pass

  1. General Conduct

(i)    Each student is expected to have proper time management for success in the programme.

(ii)   Each student is expected to have proper mannerisms (like dressing properly).

Remember, you are aspiring to become a teacher and you should be a role model.

(iii)  For female students, kindly avoid early pregnancies for this will affect your progress

in the study.

  1. Lastly, the School Academic Staff members are highly qualified and fully dedicated

to students’ success.  We work as a team and the Chairpersons of our two

Education departments are:

(i)    Dr. Isaac Gitogo – Department of Curriculum and Education Management

        Tel:  0722 345496

(ii)   Dr. Prisca Tarus – Department of Psychology, Counselling and Education Foundations.

Tel:  0726 211449

I am confident that your four (4) year academic journey will be a success but do not forget that Determination, Effort and Persistence make an unbeatable combination for success.


Thank you.


Prof. Mbuthia Ngunjiri, PhD.

Dean, School of Education

School Structure
The School has two Departments, namely:

  1. Literary and Communication Studies
  2. Public Affairs and Environmental Studies